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Brandeis Pro-Choice is run entirely by student volunteers!

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Susannah Miller


Susannah is a senior majoring in math and minoring French. She joined BPC as a freshman and worked as Co-Events Director before becoming President. Susannah believes every school should have comprehensive sex education!

Samantha Lauring

Communications Director

Samantha is a senior from New Jersey. She is majoring in politics and history with minors in legal studies and hispanic studies. Samantha has been a member of Brandeis Pro-Choice since her freshman year and believes every woman should have the right to choose!

Ellie Kleiman

Co-Events Director

Ellie is a sophomore studying anthropology and international and global studies. She joined BPC as a freshman and believes safe and affordable healthcare is a necessity for all women.

Kadria Simms

Co-Events Director

Kadria is a sopohmore majoring in anthropology and minoring in Health: Science, Society, and Policy (HSSP). She joined BPC as a freshman because she believe all women should have the right to bodily autonomy.


Talia Davidovsky

Student Data Manager

Talia is a sophomore majoring in math and minoring in biology. She joined BPC as a freshman because she believes every woman should have full autonomy over her body.

Nolan Wheeler


Nolan is a junior double majoring in math and physics and minoring in computer science. He joined BPC as a freshman and believes nobody has the right to tell anybody what they can or cannot do with their own body.

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